Arzigül: Maqul, qeni soraņ.
M: Bir yil qançə ay?
A: Bir yil on ikki ay.
M: Bir yil qançə pəsil, ular qaysilar?
A: Bir yil töt pəsil, yəni bahar, yaz, küz, qiş.
M: Bir yil qançə kün?
A: Bir yil üç atmiş bəş kün.
M: Bir ay qançə kün?
A: Bir ay ottuz kün.
M: Bir ay qançə həptə?
A: Bir ay töt həptə. Bir həptə yəttə kün.
M: Bügün küngə nemə?
A: Bügün küngə düşənbə. Yəni həptigə bir.
M: Ətə küngə nemə?
A: Ətə küngə səyşənbə.
M: Ögünlükke küngə nemə?
A: Ögünlükke küngə çarşənbə.
M: Bügün ayğa nəççə?
A: Bügün ayğa on səkkiz.
M: Ətə ayğa nəççə?
A: Ətə ayğa on toqquz.
M: Pəyşənbə ayğa qançə?
A: Pəyşənbə ayğa yigirmə bir.
M: Sizniņ tuğulğan küniņiz, qançinçi ayniņ, qançinçi küni?
A: Meniņ tuğulğan künim, ikkinçi ayniņ on bəşinçi küni.
M: Yeņi yil bayrimiçu?
A: Yeņi yil bayrimi birinçi ayniņ birinçi küni.
M: Yaxşi, olturuņ.
Teacher: Arzigül, answer the following questions in Uyghur.
Arzigül: OK, ask me.
T: How many months are there in a year?
A: There are twelve months.
T: How many seasons are there in a year and what are they?
A: There are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
T: How many days does a year have?
A: A year has three hundred and fifty-six days.
T: How many days are there in a month?
A: A month has thirty days.
T: How many weeks are there in a month?
A: There are four weeks in a month, and a week has seven days.
T: What day is today?
A: Today is Monday, that is to say the first day of the week.
T: What day is tomorrow?
A: Tomorrow is Tuesday.
T: What day is the day after tomorrow?
A: The day after tomorrow is Wednesday.
T: What's the date today?
A: It's the 18th.
T: What's the date tomorrow?
A: It's the 19th.
T: What's the date on Thursday?
A: It's the 21st.
T: When's your birthday? (lit. Your birthday is in which month, on which date?)
A: My birthday is the 25th of February.
T: When is New Year's Day?
A: New Year's Day is the first of January.
T: Good, sit down.
Sözlük - Vocabulary
ögünlükkə: the day after tomorrow
töwəndiki: following
töwəndiki: following
pəsil: season
tuğulğan kün: birthday
cawab bərmək: to answer
soramaq: to ask
The four seasons: bahar, yaz, küz, qiş
The twelve months of the year: birinçi ay, ikkinçi ay, üçinçi ay, tötinçi ay, bəşinçi ay, altinçi ay, yəttinçi ay, səkkizinçi ay, toqquzinçi ay, oninçi ay, on birinçi ay, on ikkinçi ay
The days of the week:
1. The Persian way (from Sunday to Saturday): yəkşənbə, düşənbə, səyşənbə, çarşənbə, pəyşənbə, cümə, şənbə
2. The Chinese way (from Monday to Sunday. In China the first day of the week is commonly considered to be Monday. And indeed, in Chinese, they are named numerically: First Day of the Week, Second Day of the Week etc): (həptiniņ) bir küni, ikki küni, üç küni etc
The days: ülüşkün the day before yesterday, tünügün yesterday, bügün today, ətə tomorrow, ögünlükkə the day after tomorrow
Useful phrases:
... küngə/həptigə nemə/nəççə? (asking about the day)
... həptiniņ nəççinçi küni? (asking about the day)
... ayğa/çeslağa qançə/nəççə? (asking about the date)
... qançinçi ay/kün? (which month/day?)
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