Wednesday 30 September 2009

Arabic words of the day

I'm going to start posting new Arabic words I've learnt every day. It helps with revision.

Arabic words of the day:

اقیم في...: I live in...
ولدت في...: I was born on... (time)
عنوان: address
اصلا: originally
الجنسیة: nationaly
جدّ: grandfather
جدّة: grandmother
حفید: grandson
حفیدة: granddaughter
خال: maternal uncle
خالة: maternal aunt
عم: paternal uncle
عمة: paternal aunt
حم: father-in-law
حماة: mother-in-law
ممرّضة: nurse
حقیبة: suitcase
وفي: loyal
حکیم: wise
رشیق: graceful
مضحك: funny
عنيد: stubborn
مكّار: cunning
رقیق: delicate
موهوب: talented 
محبوب: popular
کریم: generous
کسول: lazy
نشیط: active
ذکيّ: intelligent


رحلة سعیدة: Have a good trip!
الحمد لله علی السلامة: Thank God for the safe (arrival)!
تشرّفنا:  Please to meet you!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I had my first Persian lesson yesterday, and we started with the alifba, but I already have too many words to memorize.
