Monday 28 September 2009

Uyghur lesson - Biz Mərkəziy Millətlər Uniwersiteti'da oquymiz

Məhmət: Silər qaysi məktəptə oquysilər?
Polat: Biz Mərkəziy Millətlər Uniwersiteti'da oquymiz. Sizçə?
M: Mən Beyciņ Uniwersiteti'da oquymən. Siz qaysi fakultetta oquysiz?
P: Azsanliq Millətlər Til-Ədəbiyati Fakulteti'da oquymən.
M: Dostiņiz siz bilən bir fakultettimu?
P: Yaq, dostum Çət Əl Tili Fakulteti'da oquydu.
M: Siz kəspiņizni yaxşi körəmiz?
P: Kəspimni intayin yaxşi körimən. Bundin keyin kəsiptə çoqum tirişçanliq körsitimən.
M: İkkiņlar yurtdaşmu?
P: Həə, ikkimiz bir yərlik, bək yaxşi ötimiz. Biz daim billə dərs təkrarlaymiz. Öginiştə bir-birimizgə yardəm berimiz. Turmuşta öz ara köņül bölimiz. Mən uniņdin çət əl tili öginimən, u məndin Uyğur Tili öginidu.

Alim: Raziyə, siz ətə nemə iş qilisiz?
Raziyə: Çüştin burun doxturğa barimən. Doxturdin zukam dorisi alimən. Çüştin keyin poştixaniğa* barimən. Öyümgə xalta salimən. Kəçtə sinipğa kəçlik muzakirigə çiqimən. Siz nemə iş qilisiz?
A: Çüştin burun bazarğa çiqimən. Yumşaq detal, yumşaq diska, maus qatarliq nərsilərni setiwalimən. Çüştin keyin internet toriğa çiqimən. Elektronluq yollanma arqiliq dostumğa süritimni əwətimən. Uçur körimən. Elektronluq oyun oynaymən.
R: Uniņdin keyin nemə iş qilisiz?
A: Uniņdin keyin tağamniņ öyigə barimən.

* The orthography is پوچتىخانا (poçtxana) but it's pronounced as poştxana.

Məhmət: Which university do you go to (lit. Which university do you study at)?
Polat: We are at Central Ethnic University (a university in Beijing, China that is supposed to specialise in ethnic minority studies). What about you?
M: I'm at Pekin University (or Beijing University. Pekin University was and is still sometimes taken to be the official name of the best university in China, which was founded towards the end of the Qing Dynasty, the last imperial dynasty of China). Which faculty are you in?
P: I'm studying in the Faculty of Ethnic Minority Languages and Literature.
M: And your friend is with you in the same faculty?
P: No, my friend is in the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Do you like your subject (or major, as the Americans call it...)?
M: I like my subject very much. From now on I'll work very hard for my course (lit. henceforth in my subject I diligently make effort).
P: Are you two from the same town (lit. fellow townsmen)?
M: Yes, we two are from the same place, and we get along very well. We often revise our lessons together. We help each other in our studies. We take care of each other in everyday life. I learn foreign languages from him and he learns Uyghur from me.

Alim: Raziya, what are you doing tomorrow?
Raziya: In the morning I'm going to the doctor's. I'll take some medicine from him for my cold. In the afternoon I'm going to the post office. I'll send a parcel to my family. In the evening I'm attending the evening study session. What are you doing?
A: In the morning I'm going to the shops. I'm going to buy softwares, softdisks, a mouse and things like those. In the afternoon I'm going on the Internet to email my friend some photos (lit. send my friends photos via email). I'll read some news and play computer games.
R: And after this what are you going to do?
A: After this I'll go to my uncle's house.

Sözlük - Vocabulary

arqiliq: through, via, by means of
əwətmək: to send, to send out (people)
bundin keyin: from now on, henceforth
bir-biri: each other
billə: together
poştxana: post office
tağa: uncle (either maternal or paternal)
turmuş: life
tirişçanliq: diligent
tirişçanliq körsətmək: to make an effort, to work/study hard
çət əl: foreign country, foreign countries, overseas
çət əl tili: foreign language
çiqmaq: to come out, to appear, to happen, to produce, to go up
xalta: packet, package, parcel
daim: often
dora: medicine
zukam: cold (illness)
sürət: photo, picture
kəçlik muzakirə: night study session (something university students do in China)
körsətmək: to point out, to show, to make someone see, to recommend
köņül bölmek: to take care of
maus: mouse (İT)
elektronluq oyun: computer game
oyun: game
uçur: information, news
öz ara: each other, one another (adv.)
ögənmək: to study
elektronluq yollanma: email
internet tori: Internet
-ğa yardəm bərmək: to help (+ dative)
yərlik: local, of this place
yurtdaş: fellow townsman, someone from hometown, compatriot
yumşaq detal: software
yumşaq diska: softdisk (no one uses them now...)

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