Tuesday 29 September 2009

شىرىنجان - Sweetheart

مەن بىغىڭغا كىرمەيمەن شىرىنجان جانىما
ئانارىڭنى ئۈزمەيمەن شىرىنجان جانىما
ئەمدى كەلدىم ئەقلىمگە شىرىنجان جانىما
نادان بىلەن يۈرمەيمەن شىرىنجان جانىما

باغلار ئارا شامال ئۇچۇپ سېنى ئەسلەتتى
گۈللەر ئارا بۇلبۇل سايراپ سېنى ئەسلەتتى
يارىيار دەپ كىچە - كۈندۈز يۈرەكلەر تاشلا

ئالما ئاتنىم دەرياغا شىرىنجان جانىما
لەيلىۋىلىپ چۆكمەيدۇ شىرىنجان جانىما
سەن يايرىمنىڭ ئوتلارى شىرىنجان جانىما
يالقۇنلايدۇ ئۆچمەيدۇ شىرىنجان جانىما

ئالما ساتقىلى چىقسام شىرىنجان جانىما
قىزىلىنى تاللايدۇ شىرىنجان جانىما
ئالەمدە كىسى يوقتەك شىرىنجان جانىما
كۆڭلۈم سېنى خالايدۇ شىرىنجان جانىما

باغلار ئارا شامال ئۇچۇپ سېنى ئەسلەتتى
گۈللەر ئارا بۇلبۇل سايراپ سېنى ئەسلەتتى
يارىيار دەپ كىچە - كۈندۈز يۈرەكلەر تاشلا

ئالما ئالتىم دەرياغا شىرىنجان جانىما
لەيلىۋىلىپ چۆكمەيدۇ شىرىنجان جانىما
سەن يايرىمنىڭ ئوتلارى شىرىنجان جانىما
ياقۇنلايدۇ ئۆچمەيدۇ شىرىنجان جانىما

Voilà the complete lyrics of my all-time favourite Uyghur song - Şirincan, which translates as 'darling', 'sweetheart'. It's a beautiful and cheerful love song. I'm attempting to translate it as follows:

I will not enter your garden, my darling, my beloved
Nor will I pick your pomegranates, my darling, my beloved
Now I have learnt to be wise, my darling, my beloved
I will not walk with the ignorant, my darling, my beloved

The wind blowing from garden to garden has told about you
The nightingales among the flowers have sung about you
My heart palpates with the melody they sing from day to night

I throw an apple to the river, my darling, my beloved
It floats and floats and will never sink, my darling, my beloved
You are the flames of my joy, my darling, my beloved
Which are blazing and will never go out, my darling, my beloved

The wind blowing from garden to garden has told about you
The nightingales among the flowers have sung about you
My heart palpates with the melody they sing from day to night

If I sell apples on the market, my darling, my beloved
You will pick the red one, my darling, my beloved
In this world there is no one like you, my darling, my beloved
My heart wants you, my darling, my beloved

The wind blowing from garden to garden has told about you
The nightingales among the flowers have sung about you
My heart palpates with the melody they sing from day to night

I have taken an apple to the river, my darling, my beloved
It floats and floats and will never sink, my darling, my beloved
You are the flames of my joy, my darling, my beloved
Which are blazing and will never go out, my darling, my beloved


  1. It's my favorite Uyghur song, too! Do you have a translation for it? I remember finding one once after much searching, but unfortunately I didn't save it...

  2. I was translating it when you were writing the comment. :)

  3. Iskender, can you transliterate it into Latin characters? I want to see the structure of the sentence and the words used, but I cannot really do it since I cant read the script well.

  4. Yes!

    Mən biğingğa kirməymən şirincan canima
    Anaringni üzməymən şirincan canima
    Əmdi kəldim əqlimgə şirincan canima
    Nadan bilən yürməymən şirincan canima

    Bağlar ara şamal uçup seni əslətti
    Güllər ara bulbul sayrap seni əslətti
    Yariyar dəp kiçə-kündüz yürəklər taşla

    Alma altim dəryağa şirincan canima
    Ləyliwilip çökməydu şirincan canima
    Sən yayrimning otlari şirincan canima
    Yalqunlaydu öçməydu şirincan canima

    Alma satqili çiqsam şirincan canima
    Qizilini tallaydu şirincan canima
    Aləmdə kisi yoqtək şirincan canima
    Könglüm seni xalaydu şirincan canima

    Bağlar ara şamal uçup seni əslətti
    Güllər ara bulbul sayrap seni əslətti
    Yariyar dəp kiçə-kündüz yürəklər taşla

    Alma atnim dəryağa şirincan canima
    Ləyliwilip çökməydu şirincan canima
    Sən yayrimning otlari şirincan canima
    Yalqunlaydu öçməydu şirincan canima

  5. I didn't do a word-for-word translation but I'm confident it's a faithful rendition of the original.
