Friday 9 October 2009

Uyghur grammar lessons- NUMBERS!!!

Finally we got down to this...

1   bir                                 20   yigirmə                          10,000   tümən
2   ikki                               30   ottuz                           1,000,000 milyon
3   üç                                  40   qirq
4   töt                                 50   əllik
5   bəş                                60   atmiş
6   altə                                70   yətmiş
7   yəttə                             80   səksən
8   səkkiz                           90   toqsan
9   toqquz                         100  yüz
10 on                               1000 miņ

Ordinal numbers in Uyghur are pretty jokes. You just attach -inçi to everything, all the way through. There isn't even vowel harmony to worry about!


  1. It's almost just like in "normal Turkish" xDDDD.

  2. Hey, "Tümen" is Persian or Turkish? :O

  3. Hence it's a kind of Türkçesi xD

    Persian! and Uyghur, of course!
