Friday 2 October 2009

Uyghur lesson - Ayrodromda

First lesson from Eling Eling!. I hope my readers enjoy it as much as I did.

Dialog A

Mulazimətçi: Yaxşimusiz? Belitiņiz?
Kenji: Mana.
M: Bu ikki nomur oxşaş əməs.
K: Nemə? Qaysi nomur?
M: Bu nomurlar.
K: Apla. Kəçürüņ.

Dialog B

Alim: Çamidinimni tapalmidim.
Mulazimətçi: Bu chamadançu?
A: Yaq, bu əməs.

Dialog C

Kenji: Kəçürüņ! Bu sizniņ çamidiniņizmu?
Alim: Həə. Buçu?
K: Hə, bu meniņ.
A: İkkisi bək oxşaş ikən.
K: Şundaq.

Dialogue A

Security guard: Hello. Your ticket?
Kenji: Here.
S: These two numbers aren't the same.
K: What? Which numbers?
S: These numbers.
K: Oh dear. I'm sorry!

Dialogue B

Alim: I can't find my luggage.
Security guard: Is it this bag?
A: No not this one.

Dialogue C

Kenji: Excuse me! Is this your suitcase?
Alim: Yes. And this one?
K: Oh this is mine.
A: They look very similar to each other.
K: Yes.

Sözlük - Vocabulary

ayrodom: airport
mulazimətçi: security guard
belət: ticket
mana: here, over here
nomur: number
oxşaş: same, identical
əməs: is not, değil in Turkish
nemə: what
kəçürüņ: excuse me, sorry
çamadan: luggage, suitcase
bək: very
şundaq: so, in this way, yes


  1. Did you translate "yaxşimusiz?" as "hello" rather than "how are you/are you well?" to indicate context, or is that how they translated it themselves?

  2. I did because although it literally means 'how are you', it's used as 'hello'. It's like 'How do you do' in English. It's a question and the reply is the question repeated.
